What it is and how to treat gastroenteritis


It is very likely that we have known a case of gastroenteritis in our environment, perhaps we ourselves have suffered an episode. But do we really know what it is about? Do we know how to treat gastroenteritis when it occurs?

Gastroenteritis  is a generic term used when inflammation of the small intestine is suspected , usually due to an infectious cause. It is the first or second cause of death in developing countries, Wise Medical Billing most, usually due to dehydration. In developed countries the number of cases is also very high. It is estimated that there may be an incidence of up to one gastroenteritis per year per person. However, it is difficult to know since in many cases the symptoms are so mild that the patient does not go to the doctor and, therefore, they are not reported.

This syndrome is accompanied by various symptoms:

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Abdominal pain, cramps may also occur

  • Headaches

  • Muscle pains

  • Fever, in some cases, but it is not usually very high

It is a more common condition in children than in adults . It usually has a duration limited to 3-5 days (we then speak of acute gastroenteritis) . However, in some cases the process takes up to 10 days.


Why does gastroenteritis occur?

Gastroenteritis is caused by the alteration of the normal function of the intestine , the process of absorption of water and mineral salts from the intestinal lumen is then modified, producing diarrhea. The causative agents (germs or toxins) interact with the intestinal mucosa and cause the elimination of water and electrolytes through the feces to increase, with the consequent appearance of diarrhea.

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The possible causes of this alteration are diverse, the most common being viruses (norovirus, rotavirus, astrovirus, adenovirus) or bacteria (Salmonella, Campylobacter, Escherichia) . They are ingested with contaminated water or food or by transmission from person to person through the so-called fecal-oral route.

The symptoms produced are slightly different: in the case of viral gastroenteritis, watery stools are produced and rarely with blood or mucus, unlike bacterial gastroenteritis. Norovirus is the most common cause of gastroenteritis in adults in developed countries, while in children, the most common is rotavirus. When it comes to bacterial gastroenteritis , the bacteria directly invade the wall of the intestine or produce toxins that cause inflammation and, occasionally, the appearance of ulcers or exudation of mucus, blood or pus.

What are the complications of gastroenteritis?

Whatever the cause of gastroenteritis, dehydration , which can cause weakness, dry mucous membranes and poor urination, and hypokalemia (low concentration of potassium in the blood), which causes muscle weakness and cramps, are common complications.

To do? How to treat gastroenteritis?

The treatment is aimed at restoring hydration and correct intestinal function.

  • To combat dehydration it is necessary to use oral rehydration solutions , which are drinks with a high content of sugars and mineral salts. These preparations, although they can be made at home, are for sale in pharmacies. It is important that rehydration is accompanied by mineral salts , otherwise, with drinks such as water alone you could reach states of hyponatremia (low concentration of sodium in the blood). It is recommended to take the oral rehydration solution frequently and in small quantities to prevent vomiting.

  • Diet is also important: foods very rich in refined sugars or very fatty should be avoided.

  • If it lasts more than 3-5 days and does not stop, it is recommended to be seen by a doctor to evaluate the case and begin a basic study, such as taking an analysis or a stool study. Also, symptomatic treatment may be prescribed in many cases. It will be assessed whether antibiotic treatment is required, although today it is limited to very specific cases.

Can gastroenteritis be avoided?

It is a potentially contagious disease that is transmitted by direct contact with an affected person or by sharing glasses, cutlery, plates, through water or through contaminated food. It is possible to avoid its appearance with some simple prevention measures. Frequent and conscientious hand washing is very effective. Medical billing support Delaware must be reinforced while the gastroenteritis episode lasts. Regarding vaccination, there are two vaccines for rotavirus, for babies between 6 and 12 weeks, although they are not financed by public health and must be prescribed by the doctor.

In conclusion, it is usually an acute disease that is overcome in a few days. However, to treat gastroenteritis, hydration must be restored with mineral salts and hygienic preventive measures must be applied. In case of complications, always consult with a specialist in digestive diseases or a pediatrician .


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